- Adult Painting , Pottery, More
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- Wed) Weekly Senior Art Open Studio 9:30 am - 12:30 pm
Wed) Weekly Senior Art Open Studio 9:30 am - 12:30 pm
Available come and go ,weekly on Wednesdays from 9:30am-12:30pm
Select dates at registration
$15 per class
Mrs. Sheila assists with this class and has a lot of fun ideas!
We are welcoming our senior citizens at a discounted price to come sharpen their artistic skills and form new hobbies, while meeting others with alike interests. Seniors can come and paint or select an art style of choice using any media, such as clay, resin, jewelry, etc.
This is an OPEN STUDIO format specifically for our seniors, Ages 50 and up.
This is not a class, but open to each individuals own creativity and to use the space with Art Instructors on hand to assist as needed or introduce you to a new skill.
Some options to include but not limited to:
*Painting in acrylic or oils
*Drawing with soft or oil pastels, pencil, charcoal, ink, alcohol based art markers, etc
*Working in clay to create sculptures, clay options include oven baked polymer.
*Creating with mixed media such as relief cardboard sculptures, mixed metal crafts
*Metal embossing
*Needle felting
If you are NOT FIMILIAR with an activity but are interested, we can assist you to familiarize yourself with proper techniques to confidently create. We want this to be an enjoyable, relaxing experience.
Projects can be left at the studio to continue working on them as needed .
Cost-$15 per studio date